体験プログラム/Experience Program情報

夏限定*+茶臼から挽きたての抹茶とこだわりアイスで愉しむ体験/Summer only: Grinding & Arranging Matcha Experience 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室1

  • 2,200円


    Children preschoolers and children under 6 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (up to 1 person) to participate in the event.
    In addition, there is a limit of one companion per group. If there are more than 2 people, please pay the entry fee.
    * Companions are preschoolers, children under 6 years old, or customers who need assistance. Persons other than the above are not allowed to enter the room.

  • 夏限定体験*抹茶をご自身で挽く・点てる・飲む!そして挽きたて抹茶とご一緒においしいアイスをいただく抹茶づくしの体験です!
    Summer-only Matcha Grinding Experience in Uji, Kyoto
    Discover the inception and production process of Uji tea at Chazuna

木製コースターづくり体験/Wooden Coaster Making Experience 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室2

  • 1,000円


    Children preschoolers and children under 6 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (up to 1 person) to participate in the event.
    In addition, there is a limit of one companion per group. If there are more than 2 people, please pay the entry fee.
    * Companions are preschoolers, children under 6 years old, or customers who need assistance. Persons other than the above are not allowed to enter the room.

  • ~木の香りに癒されながらつくる木製コースターづくり体験~
    Experience making original coasters while feeling the warmth of various types of wood that accompany a life with tea.
    Ages 3 and up.