体験プログラム/Experience Program情報

和紙から選ぶ!オリジナル茶筒づくり体験/Select your favorite Japanese paper! Original Tea Can Making. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室2

  • 高度な印刷技術を使った30種類のデザイン和紙から選べるオリジナル茶筒づくりです。
    Decoration of tea can with your choice of washi (Japanese paper) from 30 different designs.
    Why don’t you make your original tea can? It’s perfect as a souvenir, accessory case, and a knickknack to decorate your room.

宇治茶お点前体験/Uji Tea Otemae (tea ceremony) 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室1

  • 1,800円

    Children in the first grade and under 7 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (up to 1 person).

  • 茶道の先生に教えていただけるお点前体験です。歴史ある茶どころ宇治で、日本の「おもてなし」文化を体験してみませんか。
    The teacher of Japanese tea ceremony will show you how. In the historic home of Uji tea, why don’t you experience Japanese “omotenashi (hospitality)”?

宇治の窯元による京焼手びねり体験/Kyoyaki pottery painting workshop by a potter in Uji. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室2

  • 2,500円

    Children in the second grade of elementary school and under 8 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (up to one person) to participate.

  • 宇治の窯元による京焼で、自分だけのオリジナルの器を作ってみませんか。
    Let’s make your original piece of Kyoyaki pottery in Uji!

岩絵具を使った日本画体験/Experience of painting a Japanese painting using mineral pigments. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室2

  • 2,200円

    Children in the second grade and under 8 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (up to one person) to participate.

  • 日本画で使用されている伝統の胡粉絵具を使い、絵を描く体験です。
    This is a drawing class with traditional white pigment used for Nihonga (Japanese painting).

【平日プラン / 期間限定】茶摘み体験/only Workshop! Tea Harvesting. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 屋外

  • 京阪宇治駅前の史跡ある修景茶園で宇治川や宇治の自然景観を楽しみながらできるお茶摘み体験です。
    On the scenic tea plantation along Keihan Uji station, you will experience harvesting tea leaves. Also you will see the beautiful nature and the Uji river while harvesting. Rental tea-picking uniforms are available! Enjoy tea picking as if you are a tea picker!! ※Explanations for the tea picking experience will be in Japanese only.

麻のつまみ細工アクセサリーづくり体験/Making of hemp accessory dyed by Yu-zen. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室2

  • 2,000円


  • お茶の花に見立てた、可愛らしい麻のつまみ細工アクセサリーづくり体験を楽しんでいただきます。
    In this workshop, you can enjoy making a cute hemp accessory that looks like a tea flower.

宇治茶でつくるアロマ体験/Fragrance Making with Uji Tea.(茶の実オイルを使ったハンドバーム作り体験) 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室2

  • 1,700円


  • 地産の緑茶とハーブを使って心も身体もリラックス!アロマで楽しみながらストレスケアしましょう。
    Collaboration of Uji tea and anti-aging. Local green tea and herbs will help your body and mind to relax. Enjoy the aroma, and heal yourself.

楽しみながらSDGs かんなフラワー製作体験/SDGs Kanna Flower Making Experience While Having Fun. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室2

  • 1,000円


  • ~木の香りに癒されながらつくる かんなくずのお花カップ製作体験~
    It is a production experience that can be enjoyed by children to elderly people who can use it cutely.

【土日祝 衣装付きプラン / 期間限定】なりきり茶摘み衣装付き!茶摘み体験/only Workshop! Tea Harvesting. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 屋外

  • 京阪宇治駅前の史跡ある修景茶園で宇治川や宇治の自然景観を楽しみながらできるお茶摘み体験です。
    On the scenic tea plantation along Keihan Uji station, you will experience harvesting tea leaves. Also you will see the beautiful nature and the Uji river while harvesting. Rental tea-picking uniforms are available! Enjoy tea picking as if you are a tea picker!! ※Explanations for the tea picking experience will be in Japanese only.

茶臼から抹茶づくり体験/Green Tea Making from Grinding Tea Leaves with a Tea Grinder. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室1

  • 1,800円

    Children preschoolers and children under 6 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (up to 1 person) to participate in the event.

  • ご自身で挽く・点てる・飲む!抹茶づくしの体験です!
    Grind, light and drink by yourself! It is an experience of matcha zukushi!