体験プログラム/Experience Program情報

ほうじ茶づくり体験/Houjicha (roasted green tea) making experience. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室2

  • 1,000円

    Because of the handling of hot pots and pans, children under 2nd grade elementary school must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (up to 1 person).

  • お茶の香ばしい香りに包まれながら、ほうじ茶づくりを楽しんでみませんか。
    Enjoy making hojicha while being surrounded by the fragrant aroma of tea.

伝統の京飴づくり体験/Traditional Kyoto candy Making 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室1

  • 2,200円


  • 飴屋さんプロデュースの伝統的な京飴づくりを体験できます。
    Traditional Kyoto candy making under the direction of a candy shop in Uji.

固まるハーバリウムのシンデレラハイヒール製作体験/Making of Glass herbarium shaped in Cinderella’s High Heels. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室2

  • ~プリザーブドフラワー・ドライフラワーを使用したインテリア制作体験~
    Aroma candle making with the tea leaves from Chazuna, and preserved flowers. These cute little tings will decorates your room with the memories of Uji.

【土日祝スタンダードプラン / 期間限定】茶摘み体験/only Workshop! Tea Harvesting. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 屋外

  • 京阪宇治駅前の史跡ある修景茶園で宇治川や宇治の自然景観を楽しみながらできるお茶摘み体験です。
    On the scenic tea plantation along Keihan Uji station, you will experience harvesting tea leaves. Also you will see the beautiful nature and the Uji river while harvesting. Rental tea-picking uniforms are available! Enjoy tea picking as if you are a tea picker!! ※Explanations for the tea picking experience will be in Japanese only.

茶葉®︎とお花のアロマガラスシャーレ体験/Tea leaves ®︎ and flower aroma glass petri dish experience. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室2

  • ~茶づなで育てた茶葉とプリザーブドフラワーやドライフラワーのインテリア製作体験~
    Tea leaves grown in a chazuna will be combined with preserved and dried flowers to create a beautiful interior.
    Finally, aromatic oils will be used to scent the flowers, making this an experience to be enjoyed both visually and with fragrance.

茶の木人形づくり体験/Chanoki (tea tree) Doll Making. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室2

  • 江戸時代から伝わる宇治の伝統工芸品「茶の木人形」の絵付け体験をしてみませんか。
    Why don’t you experience painting Chanoki (tea tree) doll which is one of the traditional craft in Uji passed down from Edo era.

ミニがま口財布づくり体験/Experience making a mini purse with a clasp. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室2

  • 2,000円


  • ~ミニがま口財布づくり体験~

本場宇治ならではの玉露の淹れ方体験/Gyokuro making unique to Uji, the home of Uji tea. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室1

  • 1,300円

    Children preschoolers and children under 6 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (up to 1 person) to participate in the event.

  • 目の前に広がる茶畑と宇治の風景・オリジナルの茶器に囲まれて、日本茶の最高峰!本場宇治の玉露(ぎょくろ)をご堪能ください。
    Enjoy authentic Uji Gyokuro, Japan’s finest tea with our original tea set. During the workshop, you can see the tea plantation, and the scenery of Uji laid out before your eyes.

聞き茶体験 -五感で楽しむ- /Tea tasting experience -Enjoy with the five senses- 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室1

  • 1,500円

    Children preschoolers and children under 6 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (up to 1 person) to participate in the event.

  • 京の都で一世を風靡した聞き茶。宇治茶の飲み比べを楽しんでみませんか。
    Hearing tea that made Issei famous in the capital of Kyoto. Why don't you enjoy drinking and comparing tea?

淹れ方で変わる!煎茶の淹れ方体験/Can tell the difference! How to Make Sencha Tea. 詳細情報

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室1

  • 1,200円


  • 日本茶の中でも親しまれている煎茶。
    Sencha is one of the popular Japanese tea. Do the flavor and taste of tea change with a method of making!?