体験プログラム/Experience Program情報

本場宇治ならではの玉露の淹れ方体験/Gyokuro making unique to Uji, the home of Uji tea.

  • [体験部屋/Experience Room] 体験室1

  • 1,300円

    Children preschoolers and children under 6 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (up to 1 person) to participate in the event.

  • 日本茶の最高峰!本場宇治の玉露(ぎょくろ)を経験豊富な日本茶インストラクターから淹れ方をご紹介します。




    An experienced Japanese tea instructor will show you how to brew gyokuro from Uji, the home of the finest Japanese tea.

    We have a device that allows youto enjoy the tea leaves to the end after drinking.
    Why don't you and your family enjoy the time to savor the taste of tea together?

    Fee per person:¥1,300
    ・Children preschoolers and children under 6 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (up to 1 person) to participate in the event.

    *Instructors may not be able to provide explanations in foreign languages. Please understand beforehand that we will use translators, etc.
    *This explanation also uses a translation site.