

Q.どのような体験プログラムが用意されていますか?/What kind of workshops are there?


We hold workshops to enjoy tea experience and culture of Kyoto. We hope you will enjoy it! 
The workshop program changes by the seasons, so please check the list of workshops for more detail.

Q.体験時間はどれぐらいかかりますか?/How long will it take to participate in a workshop?


Each workshop takes about an hour. Please check the list of workshops for more detail.

Q.子供は何歳からプログラムに参加できますか?/How old do you have to be to participate in workshops?


We hold workshops open for everyone older than six. 
For some workshops, we would ask you to accompany your child. Please see the list of workshops for more detail.

Q.体験プログラムは何人から参加できますか?/Is it okay to participate in a workshop by my self?


Sure, feel free to participate either by your self, or with your company.
The maximum capacity differs by each workshop, so please check the list of workshops.
Please note that we are limiting the number of participants for prevention of COVID-19 infection (As of June, 2021). Thank you for your understanding.

Q.参加する際に準備するものはありますか?/Is there anything to bring for workshops?


Basically, there is nothing you have to bring for workshops.
In some workshops, you my get dirty from the activity, and we may ask you to bring change of your clothes. Please check the list of workshops.

Q.車椅子で参加できる体験プログラムはありますか?/Are there workshops open for a participant in a wheelchair?


Yes, inside of the building is accecible, and we welcome wheelchair users to participate!
If you are interested in joining workshops held outdoor, please call us in advance.

Q.団体での参加は可能ですか?/Can I participate in workshops in a group?

【Email uji-chazuna.info@k-bm.co.jp  】

For the group of twenty or more, please call us in advance.
please e-mail below.
uji-chazuna.info@k-bm.co.jp  For e-mail, we may take a while to respond. Thank you for your understanding.

Q.屋外のプログラムが中止になることはありますか?/Will the outdoor workshop be cancelled in bad weather?


We are afraid that workshops may be canceled in bad weather.

Q.玉露や煎茶を飲むプログラムがありますが、子供でも飲めるのでしょうか?/Is it okay for children to drink Gyokuro and Sencha?


It is okay! Children can drink these tea. Gyokuro has sweetness, and rich taste. Sencha has astringency.
In the workshop, we will share some tips to make good tea. Hope you will like  it!

Q.体験プログラムの予約はいつから可能ですか?/When can I start making reservations for workshops?


You can reserve workshops from 60 days ahead of the day. We recommend making reservations before it becomes full.

Q.当日参加は可能でしょうか?/Can I participate in a workshop with no reservation?


As long as there are seats available, you can participate in a workshop on the day.

Q.クレジットでの支払いはできますか?/Can I pay with credit cards?

A.はい。VISA・Mastercard・DISCOVER・Union Pay・Diners Club・AMERICAN EXPRESS・JCBに対応しております。

Yes, we accept VISA・Mastercard・DISCOVER・Union Pay・Diners Club・AMERICAN EXPRESS・JCB.

Q.事前に体験料をお支払いすることは可能ですか?/Can I pay for workshop fee in advance?


We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we only accept the payments on the day of the event.

Q.間違えた体験プログラムを予約してしまいました。変更は可能ですか?/I booked the wrong workshop, can I make a change?


Yes, you can make a change through the reservation e-mail by 11pm, the night before the workshop.

Q.キャンセル手続きはどうしたらいいですか?/How can I cancel the reservation?


Please complete cancellation process from  the confirmation e-mail for your reservation.

Q.プレゼント用に包装紙やメッセージカードはありますか?/Can I get a wrapping paper and a message card for gift-wrapping?


We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Q.体験内容をSNSなどにアップしてもよいですか?/Is it okay to post what I did in the workshop on social media?


No problem! As long as it is for personal use, feel free to post.
Please be mindful of other participants when you film or take pictures.

Q.荷物は預かってもらえますか?/ Is there a cloak room to leave my luggage?


Please use coin locker in the hall to keep your luggage safely.

Q.郵送は可能ですか?/Can I ship/mail my stuff from here?


We do not provide shipping services. 
As an exception, for some ceramic-making  workshops, we ship your work at a later date.

Q.電話での問い合わせはできますか?/Can call to inquire?

A.営業時間は9:00~17:00となります。TEL 0774-24-2700 よりお問い合わせください。
営業時間以外はメールにてお問い合わせください。(Email uji-chazuna.info@k-bm.co.jp)返信には時間を要する場合がございます。

Sure! Our business hour is from 9am to 5pm. Please call 0774-24-2700 for any question.
During non-business hour, please e-mail below.
uji-chazuna.info@k-bm.co.jp  For e-mail, we may take a while to respond. Thank you for your understanding.